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Acupuncture treatment is often sought by people who are experiencing specific pains or symptoms or in a more general way to maintain good health or for continued wellbeing. Acupuncture can be considered for musculoskeletal, gynaecological, emotional problems and more.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a Traditional Eastern, Asian Medicine practised in Korea, Japan, and China.  It is an ancient healing therapy that has been refined over 2000 years.

 A wide range of people use Acupuncture from children to the elderly.  Some women use it for support throughout their pregnancy. It is used by elite athletes, and in Palliative care.  Acupuncture can be used alongside Western Medicine and other therapies.

What can Acupuncture be used for?


Many use Acupuncture it for painful conditions such as osteoarthritis, headaches, and lower back pain. 

It can be considered for other conditions such as:


  • Gynaecological issues including the Menopause and painful periods

  • Support during before and after Fertility treatment

  • Emotional issues such as stress and anxiety

  • Musculoskeletal conditions

  • Long Covid.


Acupuncture can also be used when our bodies systems are out of balance as it can be beneficial to overall health and well-being. Many people find it a relaxing treatment.


Detailed evidence can be found at


During an appointment the Acupuncturist will take a detailed medical history, read your pulses, may examine the site of your pain and symptoms and look at your tongue. A treatment plan will be based on the state of your health and lifestyle.  It treats the person, not just the condition, so each plan is individualised.


Treatment employs single use, very fine, sterile needles. Tapping, Massage, Cupping, Gua Sha and Moxibustion are techniques that may also be used.


Acupuncture is safe. Detailed surveys in the UK and Germany concluded that when practised by properly trained, qualified, traditional acupuncture practitioners, the risk of serious adverse effects is extremely low.


The Acupuncture for Childbirth Team

ACT is a group of acupuncturists working across Oxfordshire which aims to promote the use of and increase the availability of acupuncture prior to conception, during pregnancy and labour and the postpartum period. All three of our acupuncturists are members of this well-established team. Contact any of the practitioners to discuss the use of acupuncture to support IUI, IVF or ICSI treatment.


Please click the following link to book your first appointment (click Consultation, and 'Initial Consultation Acupuncture'):

Jenny Hope Aesthetics - Book appointment

Book Here

Our Practitioners

Jenny Hope

Licentiate Acupuncture (Lic Ac, MBAcC)
BSc (Hons) Nursing

Acupuncturist and Facial Aesthetics Nurse

Louanne Richards

RCHM Registered, ATCM Registered

Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner / Acupuncturist

Our Practitioners

Jenny Hope

Jenny Hope

Licentiate Acupuncture (Lic Ac, MBAcC)
BSc (Hons) Nursing

Acupuncturist and Facial Aesthetics Nurse

Louanne Richards

Louanne Richards

RCHM Registered, ATCM Registered

Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner / Acupuncturist

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